Registration opens Tuesday, July 21! More information about registration and helpful tips will be shared on Tuesday! Questions? Please contact the school your child will be attending or the LCSC Administration Office 574-722-2911.
over 4 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
Questions about school reopening plans? Visit our frequently asked questions page:
over 4 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
It's important to ensure your student is up to date on required vaccinations for the 20-21 school year. We're teaming up with Franciscan Health to make this as easy as possible! Learn more about the vaccination clinic happening July 28 at the Berry Bowl:
over 4 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
C6GA will have laptop turn in on May 20 from 3 - 7, and May 21 from noon - 6. Students should bring laptops, library books, textbooks, athletic uniforms/equipment etc. Student belongings and awards will be returned. Please enter the bus chute via Sycamore Street. Please follow staff guidance upon arrival.
over 4 years ago, Justin Herrold
Students: Please remember that E-Learning begins tomorrow. Please check in with your teachers on Schoology.
almost 5 years ago, Justin Herrold
Reminder: LCSC Food Service will distribute prepackaged meals tomorrow, April 7, at Columbia Elementary and Logansport High School from 10 am-12 pm. This is available to anyone 18 and younger (you do not have to be an LCSC student).
almost 5 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
LHS Alumni Association is offering a unique way for community members to recognize the Class of 2020 and LCSC employees. #WeAreLogansportSchools #INthistogether Learn more:
almost 5 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
Very Berry Hero
Attention C6GA students, if you have not already done so, please log on to Schoology and respond to your Impact teacher. We need to know that you have internet access as we begin E-Learning next week. Hope you are all doing well. We all miss you! Take care!!
almost 5 years ago, Justin Herrold
Don't forget today is Census Day. Head to to fill out the Census for your household.
almost 5 years ago, Justin Herrold
LCSC Food Service Team will distribute prepackaged meals on Monday, March 30. Meals will be distributed between 10 am-12 pm at Logansport High School and Columbia Elementary School. This is available to anyone 18 and younger. 5 breakfast and 5 lunches will be provided.
almost 5 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
All Logansport Community Schools will be closed until May 1. All students will begin eLearning on Tuesday, April 7. Learn more:
almost 5 years ago, Columbia Sixth Grade Academy
It's important to remember our children are looking towards us for reassurance and cues on how to react and respond amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. The counselors at LCSC put together a helpful guide full of tips, tricks, and resources to keeping a positive and reassuring home environment. Browse the guide here:
almost 5 years ago, LCSC
LCSC Releases Meal Locations and Times Through March 30. go to our school website and find the information in the news section.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Raisor
Just a reminder: There will not be any athletic events, practices, tryouts etc., during the three weeks that school is closed.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Raisor
From the Art Association: Reluctantly, because of the current health situation, we have made the decision to cancel the 2020 Youth Art Show Reception. Ribbons have been awarded and you will be notified about winners. Currently, the Art Association has closed its doors until at least April 1st.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Raisor
Yearbook are on sale through Saturday March 21st, 2020, for a cost of $16.50. Please go to to complete your order. Use code 43203V. Yearbooks will be on sale at school next week, March 2nd through March 6th during breakfast. A flyer was sent home earlier this week with the students.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Raisor
Due to weather conditions, all LCSC schools will be on a two hour delay tomorrow, February 27, 2020. All bus schedules will run two hours later than their normal time.
almost 5 years ago, LCSC
Due to weather conditions, all Logansport Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, February 13, 2020. Students will need to work on their e-Learning Day 2 packet. Information about e-Learning Days can be found on your child's school's website.
almost 5 years ago, LCSC
There is no school on Friday February 14th or Monday February 17th per the corporation calendar.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Raisor
Tonight's softball open gym has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Raisor