Attached is information about The Mobile Food Pantry Please click on the Photos to view the location, time and dates.
The 6th Grade Girls Basketball game tonight at Delphi has been cancelled.
Swim practice will begin tomorrow night February 2nd, due to today's E-Learning day 6:15 PM - 7:45 PM. All 6th grade athletic events are cancelled for today.
Block 1 10:30 – 11:15
LUNCH 11:15 – 12:00
Block 2 12:00 – 12:45
Block 3 12:55 – 1:40
Block 4 1:50 – 2:35
Teacher Office Hours 2:45 – 3:15
Students should log on to Schoology to check communication from their teachers.
Google Meet links will be provided, and students should then log on for each class at its assigned time.
LCSC will have an E-Learning day today, Feb 1, 2021. Please follow our new E-Learning day schedule. Students should log on to Schoology and then begin Block 1 classes via Google Meet at 10:30.
Block 1 10:30 – 11:15
LUNCH 11:15 – 12:00
Block 2 12:00 – 12:45
Block 3 12:55 – 1:40
Block 4 1:50 – 2:35
Teacher Office Hours 2:45 – 3:15
Students should log on to Schoology to check communication from their teachers. Google Meet links will be provided, and students should then log on for each class at its assigned time.
C6GA has a new, updated E-Learning Schedule that will begin with the next cancellation day.
Block 1 - 10:30 - 11:15
LUNCH 11:15 - 12:00
Block 2 - 12:00 - 12:45
Block 3 - 12:55 - 1:40
Block 4 - 1:50 - 2:35
Teacher office hours - 2:45 - 3:15
Students should log on to Schoology to check teacher updates, then log on to Google Meets with links provided in Schoology for each block throughout the day. Don't hesitate to contact teachers or the C6GA office.
C6GA will have an E-Learning day today, January 26, 2021. Teachers will have schedules and information for today's lessons posted by approximately 8:30 AM. Please make sure to follow directions and log on to Google Meets as scheduled. Contact your student's teacher(s) with any questions, or feel free to contact the C6 office.
C6GA will have an E-Learning day today, January 26, 2021. Teachers will have schedules and information for today's lessons posted by approximately 8:30 AM. Please make sure to follow directions and log on to Google Meets as scheduled. Contact your student's teacher(s) with any questions, or feel free to contact the C6 office.
Due to current weather conditions, all LCSC Schools will be closed today, January 26, 2021. All students will participate in eLearning today.
Girl's Basketball Call-Outs-
Girls basketball tryouts will be on Thursday January 7th and Friday January 8th from 3:30- 5:00 pm at Columbia Sixth Grade Academy. Pick up at door #3. Must have a physical on file to participate.
Wrestling Call-Outs
Athletes interested in joining wrestling should attend call-outs tomorrow and/or Thursday from 6 - 8 at LHS. Wear practice clothes/shoes. You must have a physical on file to practice. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Herrold.
December/January Newsletter for Voyager's blue can be found at the following link:
December Newsletter for 6th Grade Voyager's White are available at the following link:
Nuestro Boletín de diciembre para Voyager's White esta en este Link:
Due to current weather conditions, all LCSC Schools will be closed today, December 16, 2020. All students will participate in eLearning today.
Due to current weather conditions, LCSC will be on a two hour delay for today, 12/16/2020.
Here is the link for the November letter for Explorer's White
Here is the November Newsletters for Voyagers Blue
Here is the link for our November Newsletter for Voyagers White
Aqui esta el enlace de nuestro boletin de Noviembre para el equipo de Voyagers White
Dear Parents, here is a link to our School Improvement letter we sent home.
Estimados Padres, aqui hay un enlace a nuestra carta de mejoramiento escolar que enviamos a casa.